Purses, Jewelry, Shoes, Clothes, Friends and Good Food--All the things I love! Every January I get to go to Dallas with my friends Rhonda and Tina to work in Rhonda's wholesale booth. Rhonda and I met 20 years ago when I first moved to California. The first Sunday I went to church in California I sat by her and she must have felt sorry for me looking lost and confused. We hooked up and I was her sidekick, often asked if we are sister's because of our nappy hair. We have remained good friends even though we have been miles apart. Tina is Rhonda's Friend she grew up with in San Antonio and I have known for about 13 years now.
Rhonda and Tina picked me up at the airport and we hit the road to market to start the set up. After unloading the uhaul it usually takes us about 4 hours to build her booth. Every year it is fun to see what new items Rhonda has added to her line and every year her creativity pays off and draws many, many women to our booth to ooh, and ahh! This year it was Recaps. Rhonda made thousands of beer & pop caps into necklace charms and they were the hot item this year!
Don't mess with a girl holding needle nose pliers!!
Market starts bright and early Friday morning and goes until Monday. It is a long 4 days of standing on your feet but we always seem to have fun! I love meeting all the people and getting their stories. Retail is very competitive so there is usually a good fight somewhere between vendors that is exciting to watch and it is amusing to see how the women are dressed. Tina never fails to keep us laughing. This year Tina introduced me to Bon Qui Qui on Youtube. If you haven't seen Bon Qui Qui you need to visit her. It seems as if Tina has missed her calling, she either needs to be a comedian or work at Burger King with Bon Qui Qui.
Tina's Feet were hurting so she gave me her winer face!
Although it is fun to get away, by Monday I am ready to get home and see my family!! Tom and the kids welcomed me home with Mommas favorite treat "Twix Bars!!" Thanks Rhonda for letting me help you and as always I had a great time!